Community Land Off West Garth
The Parish Council have planning permission for the development of a sports and fitness exercise area on the land that Barrett’s have left for the community on West Garth.
Published: 20 November 2020

This has been a long process and currently (2024) the issue is that Barratts are insisting that the Parish Council takethe drainage ditch that runs between the land and Fieldside Close however this ditch does not appear on the initial plan and the potential cost to maintain would be great and to the detriment of the funds that the Parish Council have.
Recently part of that ditch has collapsed and Barratts are to do the work to remedy that which may be extensive. Until this happens the Parish Council will not be able to move further
Enclosed is the plan for residents to study and hopefully support as this will be of great benefit to the Village. This will take a while to develop as we will need to raise the finance through grants and donations etc when the time comes.
The Parish Council proposed to use the land for a community sport and outside activity facility, subject to planning permission which was granted. Hopefully facilities will be free and designed for residents of all ages and abilities. There will be parking for cars allowing families to visit safely. The site will be landscaped with trees and shrubs to soften any sound and visual impact on the area.
Some of the proposed facilities are a follows.
- Power walking and jogging track
- Cycle pump track, plus small pump track for young children
- Various moulded landscape areas using timber and logs structures
- A path servicing all the areas
- Family exercise area
- Children’s sport equipment and exercise area
- Medium size gym equipment area for all including disabled
- A flat exercise area
- A central seating area for those who just want to watch
- Possibly a small amphitheatre for talks plays etc.
Below is the proposal as it was submitted and granted